Friday, October 24, 2014

Steps to Become a CPA in California

What Is a CPA?
  • Stands for Certified Public Accountant
  • Licensed by the state of California (California State Board of Accountancy)
  • Trusted accounting expert, financial advisor, and business leader

***All CPAs are accountants, but not all accountants are CPAs***

Why become a CPA?
  • Respected profession
  • Lucrative and voluminous job offers
  • High earning potential
  • Transferrable skill sets:
  • + Accounting: audit, reporting, accounting, tax, consulting
  • + Non-accounting: finance, operations, marketing
  • + Industries: financial services, manufacturing, distribution

 Average salaries for CPAs – by years
Average salaries for CPAs – by years
Average salaries for CPAs – by city
Average salaries for CPAs – by city

Requirements to Become a CPA
  • Requirements: 

+ There are 3 “Es” required for licensure:
+ Education
+ Exam or Uniform CPA Examination
+ Experience

*** State Boards of Accountancy determine the laws and rules for each state/jurisdiction:

Pathways to Become a CPA
*** Effective January 1, 2014, there will only be one pathway:

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