Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Accounting Information System

*Exercises* (Transaction Analysis-Service Company)
Brown is a licensed CPA. During the first month of
operations of her business (a sole proprietorship), the following events and transactions occurred.
April 2 Invested $73,600 cash and equipment valued at $32,200 in the business.
2 Hired a secretary-receptionist at a salary of $667 per week, payable monthly.
3 Purchased supplies on account $1,610. (Debit an asset account.)
7 Paid office rent of $1,380 for the month.
11 Completed a tax assignment and billed client $2,530 for services rendered. (Use Service Revenue account.)
12 Received $7,360 advance on a management consulting engagement.
17 Received cash of $5,290 for services completed for Calunga Co.
21 Paid insurance expense $253.
30 Paid secretary-receptionist $2,668 for the month.
30 A count of supplies indicated that $276 of supplies had been used.
30 Purchased a new computer for $14,030 with personal funds.
 (The computer will be used exclusively for business purposes.)

*** Lets journalize the transactions in the general journal

Apr.   2       Cash..........................................................  73,600
                   Equipment............................................       32,200
                              Owner's Capital.............................................      105,800
          2        No entry - Not a transaction

3        Supplies……………………………             1,610
                   Accounts Payable…………….                             1,610

7        Rent Expense…………………………        1,380
                   Cash……………………………………                  1,380

11      Accounts Receivable…………………..      2,530
                   Service Revenue……………………….                2,530

12      Cash………………………………………… 7,360
                   Unearned Service Revenue…………..                7,360

17      Cash……………………………………….    5,290
                   Service Revenue……………………                     5,290

21      Insurance Expense………………………     253
                   Cash…………………………………                      253

30      Salaries and Wages Expense…………….  2,668
                   Cash………………………………                          2,668

30      Supplies Expense…………………………    276
                   Supplies………………………………..                   276

30      Equipment…………………………………    14,030
                   Owner’s Capital…………………….                      14,030


1 comment:

  1. prepaid expenses,unearned revenues,accrued revenues,accrued expenses
